Ac inverter pcb motherboard course in chennai is new technology of air conditioning system and output is DC and used dc compressor and current is limited by micro controller and sensing the current and intelligent power module is used to switch three phases.
Want to learn ac inverter pcb repairing , please call us 9444180072 / 9841925321 and ac pcb course fees Rs.15000 , duration one month and fasttrack batch also available, the class will be taken individual and batch also.
Basic electronics
voltage , current , power
resistor, capacitor ,coil, mosfet, diode, igft , ipm etc.
Relay working and functions
optocoupler and triac
working function of sensors such as room, evaporator coil sensor
Indoor pcb and working principle
microcontroller communication
outdoor pcb communication
smps circuit and standby voltages 5v, 12v, 15v
Relay driver circuit with microcontroller
optocoupler ic is used for current sensing section