Cloud introduction
Creating Aws account
What is cloud computing
Different types of cloud computing
Aws cloud overview
Iam users and group policies
IAM MFA over view
Aws cli setup
Aws cloud shell
IAM security Tools
EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
Create instance
How to use ssh using windows
Shared responsibility model for Ec2 instance
Ec2 instance storage
Ebs overview
Ebs snapshot
Ami overview
Ec2 imagebuilder overview
Elb and Asg overview
High availability Scalability, Elasticity
Elastic load balancing
Application load balancing
Auto scaling group
Amazon s3
S3 bucket overview
S3 bucket policy
Replication overview
Storage class overview
Database and analytics
Database overview
RDS & Aurora overview
Dynamodb overview
Other compute services
ECS, fargate, ECR overview
Lambda overview
Lightsail overview
Deployment and infrastructure overview
Cloudformation overview
Beanstalk overview
Codedeploy, codecommit, codepipeline overview
Aws global infrastructure
Route53 overview
Cloudfront overview
VPC & Networking
Ip address in AWS
VPC and natgateway
Security and Compliance
AWS Network firewall
Encryption with kms